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RV AC Maintenance

Mastering the Chill: Your Ultimate Guide to RV AC Maintenance

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As an RV owner, your air conditioner is one of the most important appliances to maintain. Regular maintenance of your RV’s air conditioner will ensure it operates efficiently, keeping you cool during your travels. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essentials of RV AC maintenance, providing practical tips and insights to keep your AC unit in top shape. 

Understanding Different AC System Types 

RV air conditioners come in various types, including rooftop units and under-floor systems. Each type may require slightly different maintenance procedures. Understanding your specific AC system type and following the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines is crucial. This guide will focus on maintaining and troubleshooting roof-mounted, non-ducted AC units. 

General Maintenance Tips 

Perform routine maintenance every six months to ensure optimal performance. This involves a thorough cleaning of all unit components and timely replacement of the air filter. Critical components to inspect during maintenance include the plastic cover, cooling fins and the foam rubber gasket situated between the AC unit and the roof. 

Spring maintenance should include:

  • Inspecting the AC unit for debris and damage
  • Washing inner coils
  • Cleaning drains
  • Replacing gaskets and filters
  • Performing amp-draw tests 

During winter maintenance, prioritize safeguarding the AC unit against the elements. Verify the plastic cover's integrity to effectively shield the air conditioner's inner workings from rainwater and snow infiltration. 

Tools Needed for Maintenance 

Basic tools needed for RV air conditioner maintenance include a ladder for accessing the rooftop unit, a flashlight, a screwdriver for removing covers, a soft-bristle brush or coil cleaning brush and a vacuum for removing debris. 

Checklist for Regular AC Maintenance

1. Clean or Replace the Air Filter

Ensuring the efficiency of your RV's air conditioning system goes beyond routine checks; it involves the care and maintenance of the often-overlooked component: the air filter. In this section, we'll walk you through the essential steps to clean and, when necessary, replace your RV air conditioner filter. By following these procedures, you not only enhance the performance of your AC unit but also contribute to a healthier indoor environment. 

Understanding the Importance of Clean Air Filters

The air filter in your RV's air conditioning unit plays a crucial role in maintaining air quality. Over time, these filters accumulate dust and debris, impacting the unit’s efficiency and potentially compromising air quality within your RV. Regular cleaning and, when required, replacement are integral to sustaining optimal AC performance. 

How to Clean RV Air Conditioner Filters 

Maintaining your RV air conditioner filter is a simple yet impactful process that supports sustainability and prolongs your AC lifespan. There are primarily two types of air filters: disposable and reusable / washable. Replacing disposable filters is a straightforward task — purchase the correct size, swap it with the old one and discard the used filter. 
In contrast, reusable filters involve a more detailed cleaning process, offering a sustainable alternative to disposables. Follow these step-by-step instructions to effectively clean your soiled RV air conditioner filter. Gather a screwdriver, vacuum, cold water and a mild detergent or vinegar for the cleaning process. 

Person replacing RV AC filterPerson replacing RV AC filter
Step 1: Shut off the AC Unit

Prioritize safety and air quality by turning off the air conditioner before cleaning. This prevents the circulation of dusty air through your AC unit and RV. 

Step 2: Remove the Air Filter

Using a screwdriver, loosen the screws on the rooftop air conditioner cover from inside your coach. This allows access to the air filter, making it easy to remove. 
Note: Some filters may have a clip-in style access door, enabling tool-free removal. 

Step 3: Clean the Filter

Depending on the degree of dirt accumulation, your air filter may require a light clean or a more thorough treatment. Follow these steps:

  • For light cleaning, vacuum visible dust or debris.
  • For deeper cleaning, use cold water and a mild detergent for a gentle cleanse. In cases of mold or mildew, a solution of one part vinegar and one part water can be used. Soak the filter for no more than 30 minutes. Never use bleach!

Regardless of the cleaning method chosen, ensure a thorough rinse with clean water. While a sink faucet or hose is suitable, avoid using a power washer, as it can damage the delicate air filter material. 

Step 4: Let it Dry

Allow the air filter to air-dry completely before reinstalling it. This process may take several hours, making it advisable to perform the cleaning overnight. Take this time to inspect the divider in the air distribution box. Make sure that the divider is sealed on all sides. Use aluminum tape meant for HVAC system duct work to seal any gaps. 

Step 5: Reinstall the Filter

Return the dry filter to its housing and reinstall the cover using screws and a screwdriver (or clip it back into place). With the filter in its rightful position, restore power to your AC system and relish the experience of clean, fresh air within your RV. 

2. Inspect Your RV AC Cover 

As a diligent RV owner, an essential aspect of your annual maintenance routine should involve carefully inspecting your RV air conditioner cover. Safely ascending your RV ladder to reach the roof, this routine check ensures the longevity and efficiency of your cooling system. In this section, we'll delve into why your AC cover is more than just a visual accessory and how to identify signs of wear and tear. 

Understanding the Importance of an AC Shroud

Your first encounter with your RV's air conditioner from the outside reveals a crucial component — the plastic shroud or cover enveloping the unit. While it may seem like a mere aesthetic addition, its role extends far beyond appearances. The shroud aids in directing air through the components of the AC unit for effective operation. If not in place, air may not flow through the condenser, causing decreased efficiency that may result in AC component failures. 
The cover also serves as a protective shield, warding off dirt, debris and various foreign objects that might attempt to infiltrate your cooling system. Its strategic design acts as a barrier, preventing unwanted elements from compromising the internal components. Moreover, it acts as a defender against low-hanging limbs during your travels, shielding the unit from potential damage as you navigate under branches. 
AC shrouds are not immune to wear and tear, despite their protective role. Exposure to intense sunlight can render the plastic covers brittle over time, increasing the likelihood of cracks and breaks. Driving beneath low-hanging branches or encountering objects that may scrape against the shroud can also contribute to damage. Additionally, hailstorms pose a potential threat to the integrity of your AC cover. 

The Importance of Regular Inspection

Given the susceptibility of AC shrouds to damage, it becomes paramount to conduct regular visual inspections. Bright sunlight, adventurous road trips and unforeseen weather events can all affect your cover's condition. By dedicating a few minutes a couple of times per year to inspecting your AC shroud, you can ensure it remains in optimal condition. 
During your inspection, pay careful attention to the shroud's integrity. Look for visible cracks, missing chunks or any other signs of compromise. Detecting these issues early on allows for prompt replacement, preventing potential moisture and debris infiltration into your unit, ultimately avoiding more extensive and expensive RV AC repairs. 

3. Check the Seal Between the AC Unit and the RV Roof 

Ensuring the proper maintenance of your RV's air conditioning unit is paramount in preventing water damage, which is a common concern for RV owners. In this section, we'll delve into the process of inspecting the exterior seal between your AC unit and the roof. Utilizing a flashlight, this routine check aims to preserve the structural integrity of your RV and protect it from potential water leaks. 

Understanding the Significance of the Exterior Seal 

Diverging from conventional caulk-type sealants, RV air conditioners utilize a rubber ring to resist water penetration. Situated within a recess in the roof, this ring acts as a primary defense against external elements. However, it is susceptible to wear, tear and exposure, compounded by the internal water generation within the AC unit. 

Routine Checks for Effective Maintenance 

While you’re on the roof examining the shroud, you should also direct your attention to the seal between the AC unit and the roof. This rubber gasket is pivotal in maintaining an effective seal and preventing water infiltration. Aim for a 50% gasket compression and verify the secure mounting of the AC unit to the roof. Establish a biannual inspection routine to ascertain the condition of the rubber ring encircling the AC unit.  

4. Clean the AC Coils & Straighten the Cooling Fins

Efficient airflow is essential for your RV air conditioning unit to function optimally, and maintaining clean coils is pivotal to achieving this goal. In this section, we'll guide you through the step-by-step process of cleaning your RV AC coils and straightening your cooling fins, ensuring your unit operates at peak efficiency. 

Understanding the Importance of Clean Coils

Before delving into the cleaning process, it's crucial to understand the significance of clean coils in your RV air conditioner. The evaporator and condenser coils within your rooftop AC unit play a fundamental role in the heat exchange process. When these coils accumulate dirt and debris, the efficiency of the entire cooling system is compromised, leading to increased strain on your unit. Regular cleaning safeguards against overworking and ensures optimal performance. 

How to Clean RV AC Coils

Cleaning your AC coils is a straightforward process that contributes to the longevity of your unit. Follow these steps to maintain clean coils and ensure efficient airflow: 

Step 1: Shut off the AC Unit

Begin by ensuring the AC unit is powered down to prevent potential injuries during cleaning. Disconnect the power source by unplugging from shore power, turning off the generator, disconnecting batteries, or switching off the breaker leading to the air conditioner. 

Step 2: Remove the Shroud

Detach the shroud by unscrewing the screws that secure your rooftop air conditioning unit. This grants access to the condenser coils and the covering for the evaporator coils. 

Step 3: Vacuum the Coils

After removing the evaporator cover, block any openings leading into your RV to prevent dust and debris from entering. Employ a soft brush vacuum attachment to gently vacuum around the coils, taking care not to bend or break any aluminum components. Bent fins can diminish cooling performance.  

Step 4: Clean the Coils

While specialized air conditioner cleaning agents are available, a mild household detergent mixed with warm water serves the purpose well. Spray the mixture onto the coils, allowing it to sit for a few minutes to loosen dirt and buildup. Utilize a soft, non-abrasive brush or cloth to wipe down each coil. Take care when cleaning the coils, as the fins can be very sharp. Wear protective gloves when cleaning, as necessary. Vacuum the coils again to ensure thorough debris removal. 

Step 5: Inspect All Coils 

After cleaning, inspect the coils for any signs of damage, focusing on bent, damaged or broken components. Bent aluminum fins can impact AC efficiency. Purchase a fin straightener tool, if needed, to reorient fins in the correct direction.  

Step 6: Reassemble the Air Conditioner

Once the coils are clean and dry, reattach the sheet metal housing or cover for the evaporator coils. Before replacing the shroud, clean it thoroughly with soap, water and a scrub brush or cloth. Dry the shroud before reattaching it to the roof with the screws set aside during removal. 

Troubleshooting Key Components

Ensuring your RV air conditioner operates seamlessly is crucial for a comfortable journey, especially during warm seasons. This section will delve into troubleshooting tips to address common issues that might hinder your AC unit’s performance. By following these steps, you can identify and resolve potential problems, keeping your RV cool and comfortable. 

Power Supply Check

AC units demand a consistent and adequate power supply for efficient operation. Begin by confirming that your RV is plugged into the correct service amperage. If your RV requires 30-amp service, attempting to run the AC unit with anything less won't be effective. Similarly, 50-amp RVs with dual AC units need to be plugged into a 50-amp service to operate both units simultaneously. 
To further ensure proper power supply, use a voltmeter to check that the AC voltage falls within the safe range of 108 to 132 AC volts. This step provides a foundational assessment of your AC unit's power requirements. 

Troubleshooting Tips

If, despite a correct power supply, your AC unit isn't working, consider the following troubleshooting tips:

  1. Check the Breakers:
    - Ensure the breaker on the electrical stand you're plugged into is turned on. 
    - Examine your RV's circuit breaker panel to verify that the main or AC breakers haven't tripped.
  2. Inspect Power Connections: 
    - Check both ends of your RV power cord to ensure secure and tight connections. 
    - Inspect the fuse box to confirm that none of the fuses are blown.
  3. Evaluate 12-Volt DC Power Supply: 
    - Assess the 12-volt DC power supply responsible for running your RV's thermostat. 

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, the thermostat may be the culprit. Thermostats can develop problems due to dust accumulation and wiring issues. Signs of a malfunctioning thermostat include an inconsistent temperature reading or the need to adjust the thermostat for the AC to work continuously. 
Consider a thermostat replacement if you own an older RV and notice these signs. This task involves minor electrical work, and if you are uncomfortable handling DIY electrical jobs, you should seek professional assistance. 

Person adjusting RV air conditioner thermostatPerson adjusting RV air conditioner thermostat

Airflow Check

When your RV air conditioner encounters issues, improper airflow is a common culprit that can hinder its efficiency. In this section, we'll guide you through the process of troubleshooting and resolving airflow-related problems, ensuring your RV stays cool and comfortable during your travels. 

Understanding Airflow in Your RV Air Conditioner

Before delving into troubleshooting, it’s crucial to understand how your RV air conditioner operates. The system works by drawing in hot air from inside your RV and passing it over an evaporator coil. As the refrigerant inside the coil transforms into gas, it absorbs heat from the indoor air, causing humidity to condense. The chilled air is then circulated back into your RV while the condensed moisture is expelled from the unit. 

Common Causes of RV Air Conditioner Freeze-Ups

Improper airflow, leading to freeze-ups, can result from various issues. Regularly inspecting and cleaning your air filter plays a crucial role in maintaining proper airflow. Here are common problems causing camper AC freeze-ups:

  • Dirty air filters: A clogged or dirty air filter restricts airflow, impacting the efficiency of your RV air conditioner.
  • Dirty evaporator and condenser coils: The accumulation of dirt on these coils can hinder the heat exchange process, leading to inefficient cooling.
  • Poorly sealed or misaligned baffle (flow divider): A misaligned baffle allows cold air to mix with hot air, causing the AC unit to overwork and potentially freeze up.
  • Low refrigerant / coolant: Insufficient refrigerant levels can impede the cooling process, leading to freeze-ups.
  • Broken RV AC thermostat: A malfunctioning thermostat can disrupt the proper functioning of your air conditioner, causing temperature inconsistencies.
  • High humidity: Excessive humidity forces the AC unit to work harder, potentially resulting in freeze-ups.
  • Improperly sized unit: Installing an AC unit that is too small for your RV can strain the system, leading to inadequate cooling and potential freeze-ups. 
Person checking RV AC unit airflow Person checking RV AC unit airflow

Fixing Common Camper AC Freeze-Up Problems 

For detailed guidance on fixing the above issues and instructions for defrosting your AC unit, we recommend reading “Why Is My Camper AC Freezing Up?” at 

FAQs About RV AC Maintenance

Q: Why is water dripping from my filter? 
A: There are a couple things to check: 1) Ensure that the condensation drains are not blocked. 2) Check if the evaporator is freezing; as the ice melts, it may drip onto the filter. 
Q: Why does my AC work well for a short period, but then experiences reduced airflow and warmer air output? 
A: The evaporator is freezing up and blocking air flow. 
Q: How often should I clean the AC filter and evaporator? 
A: To maintain optimal performance, it's advisable to clean your AC filter and evaporator at the beginning and end of each season, and periodically during use based on the environmental conditions. In dusty locations, the filter may accumulate dirt more quickly. If your AC unit is situated near the kitchen and cooking grease is building up on the filter, consider degreasing the evaporator as well. 
Q: What cleaning solution do I use for cleaning the evaporator? 
A: When considering solutions for cleaning, it's essential to ensure that, during the rinsing and condensation process, the cleaning solution does not cause damage to the roof or sidewalls of the RV. For most applications, a mild detergent and warm water are generally safe. However, it's always advisable to read the labels on the cleaning solution and test it in a small area first to check for any potential effects on the RV surfaces. 

See How Furrion Air Conditioners Can Keep You Cool! 

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